We’ve helped you see better for almost 30 years – Now let us help you hear better! Ask about a FREE hearing evaluation with our Certified Hearing Specialists. We now offer complete hearing evaluations and the latest in Hearing Aid Instrumentation.
Digital technology and nearly invisible devices are now available!
Please ask the Doctor for more information or have a Technician schedule an appointment today!
More than any of our other senses, our eyes and ears work together to help us experience and enjoy the world around us. We are pleased to offer a dual sensory approach to your eye care.
Our Licensed Hearing Care Practitioners are here to provide you with a complete hearing evaluation, at no initial cost to you. Based upon your hearing evaluation, they will suggest a hearing solution for your degree of hearing loss, customized to your lifestyle, personal preference, age and budget.
These new hearing devices are smaller, more advanced and better performing than those available in the past. We are now able to connect them with cell phones, home phones, home entertainment systems and televisions so that the wearer can now enjoy the same experiences as those around them without the added volume.
By integrating this service into our existing practice, we are able to pass the cost savings along to our patients. Let us help you hear as well as you see!